GEL formulation created to remove rust spots on stones surfaces, like calcareous stones, marble, granite, ceramic, cotto etc. It does not have an acid Ph, hence it is ideal to be applied also on polished stones without the issue about damaging the polished surface and protecting the surface shine. It works absorbing the rust quickly without long applications. It can be used also on metals.
Application: Prepare the rusted surface damping it with some water and then apply the GEL only on the rust area. Wait for few minutes and after that the product will change its transparent colour into purple (3-6 minutes on polished surfaces). As soon as the gel changes its colour, rinse it immediately with water (PAY MAXIMUM ATTENTION DURING THE ENTIRE OPERATION. DO NOT REMOVE THE PROCESSED PIECE UNTIL THE END OF THE PROCESS). In case the rust did not disappear totally after first application it is possible to repeat it. Do not use metal tool to handle/work the GEL Make specific attention if you apply the product on very whitish surface, as it may leave a slight stain after the application due to the purple colour. In this case you will have to whitening back the surface for example using Hydrogen Peroxide water 130 voL for about 1 hour and then rinse with water. After these operations once you get final satisficing result, leave the surface to dry and then we suggest to protect the surface with a hydro-repellent.
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