MACCHIABLOCK  renew its quality with a new PREMIUM formulation based on high performance organic solvents which allows a top protection against oils, water and general dirt, both for indoor and outdoor use. After the application, it has a natural effect without altering the original colour of the treated surface. Ideal for all types of natural stone and concrete conglomerates. The product also reduces varnishes absorption and make their removal easier. We suggest to apply MACCHIABLOCK PREMIUM after the application of ACQUASTOP PREMIUM in order to have the material protected also against humidity and salts efflorences.


Application: Apply on a clean, dry, cold (not during hottest hours of the day) and dust free surface. It is possible to apply multiple times, with a gap between each application of few hours until reaching a complete saturation of the stone for a total material protection. The application can be made by brush (to grant a better penetration), roller or by spray. If you need to remove any product excess you can do it using a clean white cloth moistened with the same product or by a mono-brush machine equipped with a soft disk. If it is applied outdoor it is necessary to avoid the surface to get wet at least for 2 days after the application. Product ready for use, do not dilute. The product can cover between 9-16 sqm with one application, depending on the material absorption characteristic.


  • Tin 200 ml. da 11 pz.
  • Tin 1 lt. da 12 pz.
  • Tin 5 lt. da 3 pz.
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